diagrams-builder provides backend-agnostic tools for
dynamically turning code into rendered diagrams,
using the hint wrapper to the GHC API. It
supports conditional recompilation using hashing
of diagrams source code, to avoid recompiling
code that has not changed. It is useful for
creating tools which compile diagrams code
embedded in other documents. For example, it is
used by the BlogLiterately-diagrams package (a
plugin for BlogLiterately) to compile diagrams
embedded in Markdown-formatted blog posts.
Executables specific to the cairo, SVG, postscript,
and rasterific
backends are included (more executables specific
to other backends may be included in the future).
All take an input file and an expression to
render, and output an image file. If you want
these executables you must explicitly enable the
-fcairo, -fsvg, -fpostscript, or -frasterific flags.
A LaTeX package, diagrams-latex.sty, is also
provided in the latex/ directory of the source
distribution, which renders diagrams code found
within diagram environments. Note that
diagrams-latex.sty is licensed under the GPL.