

[Index] Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info For package maintainers and hackage trustees A Prelude that exports much of the standard library (more then Prelude), without conflicts. If for example you were to import Prelude and Data.List or Data.Foldable you will run into ambiguous imports (regarding foldr for example). This Prelude aims at exporting the most general functions (in this case foldr from Data.Foldable). It also pulls in some default packages like cereal for serialization and containers for data types like Map and Set. Every datatype exported by this Prelude comes with instances for Serialize. Longs story short, instead of: it suffices to: Beyond existing functions from well-known standard packages, this prelude defines a few utilities (mostly aimed at unifying functionality across different packages, like containers and array). (!) is provided for several data types which associate a key and a value. Instances are defined for Check whether the element on the right is contained in the collection on the left. Instances are defined for A little bit like fmap but defined differently on some datatypes (applies e.g. to both components of a tuple). Instances are defined for Hydrogen Prelude exports fmap as map - the way it ought to be. A handy shortcut for undefined. Use it to pipe things from one function to the other, left to right: The head of the list, or the default given as first argument. Wrap anything that is showable (can be used to build heterogeneous lists). Combines predicates. A longhand for the type of lists, if you prefer this more wordy version. A class that provides the def function for default values for types. Instances of MonadPlus automatically have an instance where def = mzero. Default instances for most primitive types are also provided. Provides the *$* operator which is your all-purpose application operator. It does uncurrying (if you want to apply a tupel result of a function to a function that is curryied, works with tupels of up to 5 components) and also works with Applicative, i.e. it also does fmap . uncurry: The Hydrogen Prelude offers you the functions and datatypes from these modules, all with one import: from base from array from cereal from containers from hashable form hydrogen-multimap from hydrogen-version from regex-tdfa from time from transformers from uuid from base from strict from base from directory from filepath from process from random Mostly with XTypeFamilies and XStandaloneDeriving. Yes, for now at least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbBX6aEzEz8
bruceshi2021-01-13 收录
carbal install hydrogen-prelude