This library links in the version of FreeRTOS shipped with the STM32Cube framework.
Configuration is possible with extra options in the platformio.ini.
These are:
- custom_freertos_config_location: *REQUIRED* must point to either a path containing FreeRTOSConfig.h or the file itself.
- custom_freertos_heap_impl: *OPTIONAL, defaults to heap_4.c* heap implementation file to use (see FreeRTOS docs)
- custom_freertos_features: *OPTIONAL*, comma separated list of optional files to build, any of ["coroutines", "timers", "event_groups", "stream_buffers"]
There is currently no support for the MPU.
If you use the RTOS heap you may want to disable allocation of a heap in the link script.
A good starting point for the FreeRTOSConfig.h is in the include directory, and can be used a default by using
#include "FreeRTOSConfig_template.h"
as your FreeRTOSConfig.h, or by simply copying its contents which is the preferred method if you plan to modify values in it.