DBreeze database key features:
- Embedded .NET family assembly, platform independent and without references to other libraries.
- Multi-threaded, ACID compliant, with a solution for deadlocks resolving/elimination, parallel reads and synchronized writes/reads.
- No fixed scheme for table names (construction and access on the fly).
- Tables can reside in mixed locations: different folders, hard drives, memory.
- Liana-Trie indexing technology. Database indexes (keys) never need to be defragmented. Speed of insert/update/remove operations doesn't change during the time.
- Ability to access Key/Value pair of a table by physical link, what can economize time for joining necessary data structures.
- No limits for database size (except "long" size for each table and physical resources constraints).
- Low memory and physical space consumption, also while random inserts and updates. Updates reside the same physical space, if possible.
- High performance of CRUD operations. When you need, unleash DBreeze power and get 500000 key/value pairs insert or 260K updates per second per core into sorted table on the hard drive of standard PC.
- High speed of random keys batch insert and updates (batch must be sorted in memory ascending and non-overwrite flag must be set).
- Range selects / Traversing (Forward, Backward, From/To, Skip, StartsWith etc). Remove keys, change keys.
- Keys and values, on the low level, are always byte arrays.
- Max. key size is 65KB, max. value size is 2GB. Value can be represented as a set of columns, where can be stored data types of fixed or dynamic length. Every dynamic datablock can be of size 2GB.
- Rich set of conversion functions from/to between byte[] and other data types.
- Nested / Fractal tables which can reside inside of master tables values.
- Incremental backup/restore option.
- Integrated text-search subsystem (full-text/partial).
- Integrated object database layer.
- Fast multi-parameter search subsystem with powerful query possibilities.
- DBreeze is a foundation for complex data storage solutions (graph/neuro, object, document, text search etc. data layers). Please, study documentation to understand all abilities of DBreeze.